Curi Advisory

What the 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Means for Your Practice

Changes to physician payments and telehealth services

Every year, the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) includes policy changes that have a significant impact on physicians and physician practices, and the recently finalized PFS rule for 2022 is no exception. Officially published in the Federal Register on November 19 and generally effective on January 1, 2022, the 2022 PFS final rule contained many regulatory changes important to physician practices.

While the rule contains updates on a variety of issues, two particularly notable areas addressed by the PFS final rule this year are changes to physician payment rates and reimbursement for telehealth services.

Additional information about these changes to physician payment rates and telehealth reimbursement, as well as about other important changes included in the 2022 PFS—such as payments for vaccine administration services and modifications to the billing requirements for split (or shared) evaluation and management visits—can found in the CMS Fact Sheet on the final rule.

To learn more about how the 2022 PFS may affect your practice, as well as the other ways that Curi Advisory’s Health Policy services can help you, please contact us at or 919-878-7602.

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