In the final installment of Curi’s health equity webinar series for 2021, Rebecca Onie and Rocco Perla, co-founders of The Health Initiative, presented a webinar on the impact of healthcare and resource disparities, titled “It is Time to Measure What (Actually) Matters: Drivers of Health & Health Equity.” During this session, Rebecca and Rocco examined the interplay between drivers of health, race/ethnicity, and health outcomes and costs, as well as the imperative to integrate these drivers in state and federal payment and measurement frameworks.
Understanding the Determinants of Health Equity
The presenters explained how inequities among available resources such as healthy food; affordable housing; affordable childcare, transportation, and utilities; and access to healthcare are driving a divide between disparate demographic groups in the U.S. Their presentation explored data on the perceived importance of health-related investments and the significant percentage of Americans with unmet needs that drive poor health outcomes. They also explained the economic impact of drivers of health outcomes on patients and physicians, and they agreed that examining budget allocations for health-related resources in government programs can help drive policy changes with a direct positive effect on health.
To learn more about this topic, please scroll below to view a recording of the webinar or visit our health equity resource page.