News & Knowledge

Team Physicians: Managing Professional Liability Risks

  •  Informal relationships may lead to the unwitting establishment of physician-patient relationships and misunderstandings about physicians' responsibilities.
  • The practice may incur significant expenses if co-branding is a part of the contractual agreement. Without an adequate termination period, the practice may suffer financial losses related to a termination/un-branding of the relationship.
  • There may be liability associated with a failure to maintain an appropriate AED program for the school. Medical direction may be required by statute/code in some states.
  • There may be associated liability related to the physician's responsibility to review, approve, and maintain the organization's policies, such as drug screening and return…

Curi’s risk mitigation resources and guidance are offered for educational and informational purposes only. This information is not medical or legal advice, does not replace independent professional judgment, does not constitute an endorsement of any kind, should not be deemed authoritative, and does not establish a standard of care in clinical settings or in courts of law. If you need legal advice, you should consult your independent/corporate counsel. We have found that using risk mitigation efforts can reduce malpractice risk; however, we do not make any guarantees that following these risk recommendations will prevent a complaint, claim, or suit from occurring, or mitigate the outcome(s) associated with any of them.