Curi has partnered with Dr. Pensa, who will help further reduce litigation-related stress through her expert guidance video series. Dr. Pensa has provided an overview of the series to get you started: The Why Behind the Program (PDF)

In this first module, we will dive into a course overview, how to consider litigation as a roadmap, and setting a couple of emotional and growth goals.

Video One

Introduction and Course Overview

This course will draw from a wide body of experience: from tort law and legal performance techniques to cognitive neuroscience, behavioral therapy, coaching, resilience training, and maybe a couple of wacky things I’ve tried along the way, too. I’m going to pack a LOT into these eight modules, and I thank you for this opportunity to teach you what I’ve learned.

Time: 7:50 minutes

Video Two

Litigation Roadmap: Getting Oriented

YOU ARE HERE. You know those signs at the mall or in a recreation area that gives you the big red arrow of where you are, and then you can figure out where you’re going?
In this video, we’ll talk briefly about the steps it took to get you to this big red arrow place. Once we’re oriented (keeping this analogy alive!), we’ll talk about more of the map, the players we’ll be interacting with on the way, and how it’s decided which destination we’re going to. Consider this a bird’s-eye view of civil litigation — we’ll get into more detail as we go along.

Time: 14:19 minutes

Video Three

Your Two Big Goals

Now you have some foundational knowledge. So, what are we doing for the rest of these modules? In this program, I have two basic goals and two ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goals’. They range from insight gains to emotion navigation to growth. Let’s jump in.

Time: 5:41 minutes

If you’ve completed all of the videos in this module, use the following link to claim your CME credits: