Georgia Governor Signs Bill With Healthcare Liability Protections

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp yesterday signed into law a bill that includes civil liability protections for healthcare providers. The new law, which is in effect throughout the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency, provides civil immunity to physicians and practices both for transmission of COVID-19 to patients and for care delivery that is affected by the response to the virus. It also requires notices to be posted at the entrance to practices warning of COVID-related waivers and risks assumed by patients entering for care. It does not offer protection for gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, reckless infliction of harm, or intentional infliction of harm. To view the text of the bill, click here.

News & Knowledge
All Curi recommendations are based on current CDC criteria at the time of publication. CDC guidance for SARS-CoV-2 infection may, or may not, be adopted by state and local health departments to respond to rapidly changing local circumstances. Providers should always check with their local health department to see if the CDC’s guidance on any given topic has been modified (particularly if more restrictive) from the CDC’s recommended guidelines. Follow this link https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/healthdirectories/index.html for contact information to your state/local health department. If local recommendations vary from those of the CDC, and you are unsure what recommendations to follow, then it is safer to follow the more restrictive guidelines/recommendations.